电  话: 010-84823065
传  真: 010-51413460
手  机: 13269068418
联系人: 柴文鹏
邮  箱: controsys@163.com
地  址: 北京市朝阳区成寿寺路134号院4号楼2209
德国威卡WIKA低差压变送器 DP-10

德国威卡WIKA低差压变送器 DP-10

产品简介:联系方式: 华拓电机有限公司电话: 010-58461273 手机: 15330223273 传真:01064160267 地址: 北京市朝阳区东直门外大街18楼223室 邮编: 100027 低差压变送器 型号:DP-10 应 用 Heating, ventilation a



地址: 北京市朝阳区东直门外大街18楼223室 
邮编: 100027

应 用
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology
Clean room applications
Medical industry
Filtering and dedusting applications
Pressure ranges from
0 ... 0.6 mbar to 0 ... 1000 mbar and
0 ... 600 mbar abs to 800 ... 1200 mbar abs
Special pressure ranges for gauge pressure, vacuum and differential pressure
Various industrial standard output signals
Optional with output signal calculated by root-evolution, LCD or 1-2 switch contacts

详 细

The WIKA pressure transmitters Model DP-10 have been developed for the measurement of low gauge pressures and vacuum, as well as differential pressures. These transmitters are exclusively suitable for dry, clean and nonaggressive gases.

Measuring principle
The pressure is measured via a sensitive diaphragm, which is adapted to the pressure range, or a capsule element for absolute pressure ranges. An inductive system generates a linear signal which changes in proportion to the prevailing pressure.

This transmitter has mainly been designed for HVAC, filtering, dedusting and clean room applications as well as for the medical industry.

For applications, in which switching functions are additionally required, pressure transmitters with 3-/4-wire systems can be equipped with up to two switch contacts. For each switch contact a potential-free change-over contact is available.

For the local readout the measured values can optionally be equipped with a 3 ½-digit LC display.

For flow measurements by means of a standard orifice plate a special design with an output signal calculated by rootevolution is available for 3-/4-wire systems. With this design it is possible to adjust the suppression of creeping quantities by means of potentiometers in the range 0 ... 10 %.

德国威卡WIKA低差压变送器 DP-10
版权所有© 北京博朗宁科技有限公司
联系人:柴文鹏   联系电话:010-84823065   手机:13269068418   传真:010-51413460   联系地址:北京市朝阳区成寿寺路134号院4号楼2209
   技术支持:谷瀑   管理入口